Monday, June 11, 2012

On work

It has been two years ever since I've graduated. 

One year of contract teaching has passed,

another year of NIE has also passed.

I'm lucky as I have a very gradual transition into the working world.

I am about to start work proper in two weeks time.

Yet, I don't feel ready to work.

Perhaps, I never will.

Friday, March 02, 2012

Quote from Saul Bellow

"Unexpected intrusions of beauty.
 That is what life is."

I always thought if I planned my life carefully and thoroughly, life would go the way I want it to and I would be happy. But in living this way, I blocked out unexpected intrusions of beauty in my life as it was never in the plan. Yet, I didn't manage to block out unexpected unhappiness as there were no such defenses against them in the plan as I could not build defenses against what I do not know. It is an agonizing way to live. 

With age, I've become more flexible and go with the flow of things. Instead of a rigid life plan with intricate details which I strictly adhere to, there is now only a big picture with vague ideas where there is room for surprises. It is easier to go through life this way, to embrace the unexpected good things in life, and to experience and then let go fully the unexpected bad things in life. That is what life is and how it should be lived. 

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Recently, I’ve been hooked on to a new drama serial tittled ‘步步惊心’. I like how it weaves fiction into facts, creating an interesting storyline. Also, there’s the element of time travel which makes it more exciting.

I got so intrigued by it that I actually went to read up more about the reign of Kangxi during the Qing dynasty to try separating fact from fiction. The most interesting titbit of knowledge I managed to garner from my short ‘research’ was that Kangxi had a harem of 64 women. My goodness! My brain did a quick calculation and that worked out to him spending an average of 6 days with each of the 64 woman in a year.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Chinese new year resolutions

I rewrote my resolutions for 2012 and newly catergorized them under 'CNY resolutions' because the last one was hastily thought out and keyed into my phone on a mrt ride. I've decided that will not do.

In general, my goal for 2012 is to be happy. Isn't that the ultimate aim that we wish to achieve in whatever we do?

However, I do agree that this goal is too abstract and I shall list down the things I can do to work towards being a happier person.

1) With regards to work, I resolve to complete my teaching diploma and emerge from practicum physically and mentally unscathed. I also resolve to be a good teacher (whatever that means) which hopefully leads to self-fulfilment which experts say is neccessary for us to feel happy.

2) With regards to health, I resolve to exercise regularly. Health is wealth.

3) With regards to love, to remember always not to take him for granted. I like who I am in front of him and love our nightly telephone calls where we can talk about everything under the sun.

4) To do one thing, big or small, that makes me happy everyday.

 5) Lastly, I wish to simplify my life and not fret about things past and worry about things that have yet to happen. Stay in the present, Huimin. You never did for the last 10 years of your life and you wish you did. So, please start doing so from now on.

Monday, January 02, 2012


Many people are making resolutions. I suppose I should resolve to achieve some things in 2012. Yet, as I seat down and think, I seem to be making more wishes than resolutions.

I resolve to do one thing everyday that makes me happy. It might be a happy big thing like going on a trip or it might be just a simple small thing like getting a scoop of ice-cream. And to start off, today's happy thing is meeting up with my favourite people in the world, my nusso friends for a gathering.

One thing I really wish for is to be sent to a school where I can cope for my final posting. If I do end up having monkeys for students, may I be able to deal with it and still enjoy teaching. Wish me luck on this thing as posting is done rather randomly.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Learning and teaching chemistry

In the past, when I was learning chemistry as a student,
I constantly bugged my mother, who is a chemistry teacher, about the many misconceptions that I was blur about chemistry.

In the present, when I am teaching chemistry as a teacher,

I still constantly bug my mother about the many misconceptions that I am still blur about chemistry.

And I bug her about one more thing now,

how to convey chemistry concepts to students.

I think she wonders what I have learnt in 4 years of studying chemistry in university.

Sometimes, I wonder too.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Funny pointless flyers