Monday, January 16, 2012

Chinese new year resolutions

I rewrote my resolutions for 2012 and newly catergorized them under 'CNY resolutions' because the last one was hastily thought out and keyed into my phone on a mrt ride. I've decided that will not do.

In general, my goal for 2012 is to be happy. Isn't that the ultimate aim that we wish to achieve in whatever we do?

However, I do agree that this goal is too abstract and I shall list down the things I can do to work towards being a happier person.

1) With regards to work, I resolve to complete my teaching diploma and emerge from practicum physically and mentally unscathed. I also resolve to be a good teacher (whatever that means) which hopefully leads to self-fulfilment which experts say is neccessary for us to feel happy.

2) With regards to health, I resolve to exercise regularly. Health is wealth.

3) With regards to love, to remember always not to take him for granted. I like who I am in front of him and love our nightly telephone calls where we can talk about everything under the sun.

4) To do one thing, big or small, that makes me happy everyday.

 5) Lastly, I wish to simplify my life and not fret about things past and worry about things that have yet to happen. Stay in the present, Huimin. You never did for the last 10 years of your life and you wish you did. So, please start doing so from now on.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well said min. i'm impressed =)

Mon Jan 16, 09:38:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

So true... Looking back, if I had enjoyed the present all this while, I would have many fulfilled wishes. :-)

Many a time, the present in the past is actually an earlier childhood wish, or will turn out to be sweet memory of my future self now, looking back.

Wed Jan 25, 04:52:00 PM  

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