Thursday, January 27, 2011

Drawing circles

During practical,

I told the class to draw the outline of an onion cell.

I emphasized that it needed to be a perfect circle,

drawn with a single clear line,

not sketched over with multiple lines.

I kept telling one boy to re-draw his circle,

for his own good,

as his circles won't be accepted as passable in the next practical test.

He tried and tried,

and there were some holes on his paper,

as he kept erasing his circles to re-draw them.

He looked really stumped by a mere circle.

In the end,

I felt sorry for him,

and erased part of it and helped him 'perfect' his circle.

He reminds me of someone who can't draw a circle too.


Blogger Unknown said...

This is very touching indeed... Sometimes, the only way we can 'perfect' our 'circle' is with the help of someone else who cares...

Your job is truly beautiful

Wed Mar 02, 08:29:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Oh ya, I just saw the date of this blogpost... :-D

Wed Mar 02, 08:33:00 PM  

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