Monday, September 13, 2010

Off to work

As a kid, the concept of work was always at the back of my mind.

I knew it was something I would have to do when i have finished growing up,

But it seemed like a long time to come, as though as it would never come,

and glad for it, for studying is always better than working,

or so, everyone tells me.

The years just slipped by so quickly,

as though as it never happened and it was just a dream.

And suddenly, I finished growing up and have to go to work.

I always wondered how i felt when it was time to go to work,

but one thing I never thought I would feel,

which surprises even me,

is that I am ready to go to work.

and so, tommorrow starts a sneak peep into my chosen occupation.

I can still choose to escape and not sign on the dotted line after 2 months if I feel its not really for me.

But i've been thinking and there is really nothing else I want to do,

except for being a jedi or a gardener.

I hope that even if i can't skip happily to work everyday,

where only a lucky few can claim to love their job,

 I will be okay with it and not dread it.

For work is such a major part of life,

that to dread my job is to dread most of life.


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